Why Redesign Your Website

As a small business you need to look  closely if your website is working for you and if not seriously thing of a revamp or redesign. Here are a few reasons why:-
  1. If your site is not getting enough leads by traffic and not converting you should think of a redesign.
  2. Build some metrics in the back end where you can track what is working
  3. Create an ongoing content building plan – get a CMS in place to easily update your site
  4. Engage your audience and get feedback if possible
  5. Offer some thing useful to to your target audience – like a report or a white paper free.
  6. Get the interface clean and avoid clutter – navigation simple
  7. Get specific landing pages up and get some good search engine optimisation done on-site.
Contact me today for a website with a clean look easy navigation basic SEO and a site you can edit very easily. Email me for more information
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