Virus on your PC

Recently one of my customers site was spiking in traffic and blowing the bandwidth. The first day I increased the bandwidth. But it blew it the next day. Seemed a bit fishy to me. I thought I would investigate the matter and when I logged into the FTP program I saw a folder called blog that was installed a few months ago. It had about 10000 files! All spammy pages selling viagra or canadian pharmacy products. While having a chat with my hosting support one of the things I was told could happen was – if you had a malware or virus on your local hard drive and if you uploaded a file through FTP the malware could install a billion files on your remote server. WOW!  This was news to me. Yuk. It took me an hour to delete the files from the server. I have started scanning my PC every night for Malware now.  I use Pareto Logic’s virus & malware checker . It seems to do the job well. So if you have a website and you upload files please keep your PC scanned and cleaned regularly to avoid any nasty viruses. On that note I read a funny bit today. The tech review site Gizmodo got caught themselves. (funny) They were advertising spammy antivirus on their site. These software come in disguise and actually install real viruses on your hard drive.

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