Three things you must to do to succeed online

If you are a small business owner & want to market yourself through your website the following three are critical for your success.

Good Design

A professional-looking, user-friendly website design that achieves your ultimate goals is a must. Good design also builds credibility for your business.

The underlying code of your site design has to be clean and standards-compliant to ensure maximum search engine friendliness.

Good Content

Create compelling content that people love. Create the content for your website from a marketing perspective. To get targeted free traffic from Google and other search engines you need to apply the search engine optimization (SEO) to your website.

SEO comes down to three basic things:

  1. The language searchers use
  2. The way search engines see your content
  3. The search engines think your business is credible (not a spammy site)


For your business to succeed you need conversion, people have to take action.

Online, the last stop before action is some form of landing page. And the best landing pages thrive due to a certain set of best practices to get more people buying, signing up, and calling.

The following aspects affect conversion:-

  • Right page design
  • Effective copy
  • Testing (knowing what to test)

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