Pixels New Site
Finally I switched Pixels today to the new look. It has taken me almost 5-6 months. I start work – then stop – start again. This went on for so long. The reason? Got busy with designing customer sites. Got so busy that I found it hard to bring it to a finished state. the […]
Google Fresh
Google has introduces “freshness” of content into its algorithms. So when you type in a keyword or phrase the top results will be for the freshest content for the search term. Old outdated content will be penalised and pushed down. This adds a new dimension to search engine optimisation. If you think about this websites […]
Blog spam became nil…
In my last post I talked about spam comments in blogs and how to stop them. I found out my Akismet (spam catcher plugin) got uninstalled for some reason. And that is why the spam was just pouring in. I uploaded the plugin again and installed. And guess what in the past 2 days Akismet […]
6 things customers don’t like on your website
Too much text On average, users only read 28% of words on a page — so make them count. Provide text where it’s needed, but try to convey additional information in different, more dynamic ways. Have images and instructional videos. Engage your visitors and this will boost your conversion. Too long to load Your visitors […]
Why Redesign Your Website
As a small business you need to look closely if your website is working for you and if not seriously thing of a revamp or redesign. Here are a few reasons why:- If your site is not getting enough leads by traffic and not converting you should think of a redesign. Build some metrics in […]