How to market your E commerce website

Organise and optimise your keywords and keyword phrases Pixels Webdesign Small business E commerce websitesThese search terms the exact ones that people are will to use to look for the products or services that you sell on your e-commerce website. Do this well ahead of launch of your E commerce website – at least two months before you promote your website. Optimising” means selecting your keywords and keyphrases carefully and placing them strategically into every online and offline piece of marketing material you have. Create awareness Potential customers need to know they can buy from you online. Don’t assume your physical shop customers that they can buy online. Leverage your physical shop customers and build your online brand awareness. Advertise your online shop in your physical shop. Hand out coupons with your web address in the shopping bags. If you do not have a physical shop send some Google Adwords traffic to boost bran awareness and use social media like Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest or Instagram to get some traction. Make it about them, not you: Focus content on the prospect or customer not about your business. Create pages that educate visitors on each product or service category you provide. When you provide useful information for your prospect or visitor they are more likely to return to your website. Drive traffic to your site Knowing your site exists isn’t enough, potential visitors need a compelling reason to go there. Create a story around your online shop and products. Make every page easy to navigate to. Each page needs to be no more than one click away from your online store. Include interesting facts about your products like how the handmade soap you are selling is good for the planet and your skin… Convert visitors to sales:  Your website visitors are on your site to purchase your products or services. Your goal is this, After prospects have browsed your site, you want them to think: I like what I see on your site and I want to purchase your products. Make it easy for them to purchase from your website
  • Have a clean layout with lots of white space.
  • The products should be the main focus of your E – commerce website.
  • Make product selection easy.
  • The checkout process should be frictionless
  • Be clear and upfront about shipping costs and choices.
  • Show them ways to save money if you can.
  • Give them more than one way to make payment.
  • Have a guest checkout ( in case they do no want to create an account) Mark and Spencer lost $300,000 in a day when they did not provide this feature. Keep the checkout easy and simple to use to reduce cart abandonment.
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