Recession proof your business
In these unprecedented times it is important to find ways of getting revenue and staying afloat. This may open new income revenues beyond Lockdown for your business.
We will continue to support you and your business and do what we can to help prepare your business for the challenging times ahead.
If you are a physical business and have products and services that you can sell online, we can help you get there in a very short time frame. We can set up a simple shop where you can sell your products & services with payment facility. This will improve your cash flow during the lockdown. After setting up the shop we will guide you on methods to promote the shop through Social Media etc.
We will make it hassle-free and seamless for you and in a short time- frame. We can even stagger the payments to the project if necessary.
Google says:-
Online searches for products and services has gone up considerably. As we work from home and stay inbound with our families, searches for products to relax, be entertained, stay fit, DIY materials or hobby materials have gone up. Garden related, backyard Renos, paint jobs, and cleaning products are having unprecedented sales.
People who already have passions or interests are stocking up to spend more time on new projects. Knitting, art materials, cooking related queries are flooding Google.
If you have a passion or are very good at something hands-on we can put up a landing page for you and promote your knowledge ( as an eBook) or if you can put together a kit to sell online we can set it up for you. This could become a profitable side business and something that you enjoy doing.
Talk to us on 021 250 4746.
As we all have 3 weeks more of downtime – it might be a good time to refresh & modernise your business website and bring it to 2020. To get it ready for increased promotions and sales after the lockdown.
Software to help you work remotely or at home
As you and your team start working from home or your team remotely, below are some software/app that might help your business work smarter. – Team communication for smooth work. Share workflows project milestones and communicate to your team. – Trello’s boards, lists, and cards enable you to organize and prioritize your projects in a fun, flexible, and rewarding way – Take notes anywhere share with your team. Meeting notes. Web pages. Projects To do lists – – One of the best information sorting apps online. We use it to bookmark the websites – go back later and read or take notes. – Best video conferencing tool for business. The free version gives you multiple participants conferencing for 40 minutes,
Tips to avoid the virus in our day to day lives
If you have to use a pin pad anywhere use your the corner of your card if no PayWave. Or a pen with a rubberised end available online.
If you have to use a touch screen anywhere – use the pens with rubberised ends or use a disposable glove. The virus stays active on metal & glass for three hours and on plastic for as long as 9 days. On cardboard, it lasts 12 hours.
We are all in this together and supporting each other to get through this makes it a bit easier. Please maintain social distancing and stay safe.
Stay Home. Save Lives. Social Distancing. Wash Hands.
#shopnormal #cookathome
Fun stuff
What's your plan for the next Covid Virus?
We Kiwis have been extra-ordinarily lucky. We have been protected from the ravages of this fast-spreading virus elsewhere in the world. Scientists say that this is not a one-off occurrence, but a new Covid is just around the corner.
So how are you going to be prepared for the next COVID?
We have some ideas that will get you ahead of your competition. Watch this space….
Updated: 04 Jan 2021