6 things customers don’t like on your website

Too much text

On average, users only read 28% of words on a page — so make them count. Provide text where it’s needed, but try to convey additional information in different, more dynamic ways. Have images and instructional videos. Engage your visitors and this will boost your conversion.

Too long to load

Your visitors don’t like slow websites.40% of visitors will leave your website if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load. which can have a huge impact on your bottom line sales goals. Marketers should consistently check a site’s load time, and have resources on hand to evaluate and fix whatever slows the page down. CDNs can handle the images and speed up the site or cloud servers can help as well. All effort should be taken to speed up the website. Google speed test can give you the speed on mobile and desktop and also give you fixes to speed up.

It doesn’t work on phones or tablets

People access content across all sorts of Internet-connected devices these days. In fact, 60% of all Internet usage occurs on mobile devices. Your site needs to be optimized for all screens, from an iPhone to a 27″ Retina iMac display. Design your site to be fully responsive so your customers can always access the page, regardless of what device they use. Keep ads and opt in forms unobtrusive.

Videos that autoplay without my consent

Reportedly the “most hated digital ad tactic”, autoplay is a feature that automatically plays video content when a user either lands on a site, or scrolls down to a certain point on the page. It’s a tactic for grabbing the user’s attention. You only end up annoying the visitor who will leave your website.

Too difficult to make a purchase

Make it easy for your visitor to purchase your product or service. If you have an e commerce website spend on user experience and user interface. It will be money well spent and will reduce cart abandonment. Make the checkout very easy to use and keep the process simple. Keep it to standard format. ( what people are used to.)

Unable to contact support or customer care

Have contact details on every page and make it easy for the customer to contact you. Give them many ways to contact you. Phone, email, form chat widget are few of them. Not being able to contact will drive your customers away.
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